福島県のインスタグラム(realize_fukushima) - 8月30日 17時00分

【先どり!ふくしまTOPIC Vol.5】昔懐かしい福島県内のご当地パン4選




【ベーカリー ロミオ イトーヨーカドー郡山店・郡山市】


【焼きたてパン工房 モックモック・会津若松市】




[Moving Ahead! Fukushima TOPIC Vol.5]
Four Old-Fashioned Local Breads in Fukushima Prefecture

This month, we will introduce some nostalgic Fukushima breads that are loved by local people, as well as some of the shops where they are sold. You can also find these local breads in other places in the prefecture, so please try them out and compare them with each other!

Salad Bread [Takeda Bakery, Fukushima City]
The bakery has been selling this specialty bread ever since its establishment over 50 years ago. Sandwiched between two slices of bread is a special potato salad that is prepared early every morning. Key is the homemade mayonnaise, which is smooth to the palate!

Cream Box [Bakery Romio, Ito-Yokado Koriyama Store, Koriyama City]
This Koriyama specialty was launched by Bakery Romio in 1976. Thick sliced bread with a fluffy texture is topped with rich, full-bodied milk cream that leaves a light aftertaste!

Butter Bread and Deka (big) Butter Bread [Mock Mock Bakery, Aizuwakamatsu City]
Double-folded bread is filled with homemade buttercream made from margarine, butter, and fine white sugar, which gives it an irresistibly crunchy texture!

Yotsuwari Bread [Haramachi Bakery, Minamisoma City]
Conceived by the original proprietor when the bakery was first established, this bread is filled with sweet bean paste, then baked, cooled, and finally topped with whipped cream and a cherry topping!


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