Camille Leblanc-Bazinetのインスタグラム(camillelbaz) - 9月1日 22時13分

Woooooo 🥵 this one will catch up with you. Test your power output with this All Out Workout for time from Feroce Fitness programming ⬇️

All Out Workout:
5 rounds
15 cal row
10 front squats
Rest 30 seconds between rounds

Notes 📝
➡️This workout is rounds for time. Pick a pace for the row that you can match each round.
➡️If you don’t have a rower available, perform a renegade row, choosing a weight that you can complete the reps unbroken. Keep your hips square as you pull the weight up to your mid line.
➡️For the front squats, choose a weight that you can perform the reps unbroken the whole workout. You can hold a barbell in the front rack, two dumbbells in the front rack or a dumbbell like a goblet squat. Regardless, keep your chest up, sit into your heels and keep your back arched throughout the movement.
➡️Record the time it took to complete the whole workout.

Scale up:
Increase weight.

Scale down:
Shorten to 3 rounds.
Front squats - decrease weight , squat to a box


#concept2rower #metcon #legdayworkout


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