カーリー・ウォパットのインスタグラム(carlywopat) - 11月20日 06時31分

Welcome to Ketone IQ Post-Run Radio!
Sponsored by @hvmn #ketoneiq

Track workout:
Compromised 400m intervals 🥵
Basically I pre-exhausted myself, then ran 400m (one lap) X10 as fast as I could.

I’m fairly new to running, and as I figure it out, I will share what I learn with all of you in these Ketone IQ Post-Run Radio episodes! For everyone else out there on their own running journey - we can suffer & progress together 🤝🏼

3 cues I’ve been focusing on (shoutout to @rylanschadegg for helping me with them):

1. Strike the ground directly underneath your body line.
2. Kick heels to butt and cycle legs through.
3. Lean from your ankles.

Open to more tips & advice! Would love to hear what has worked for you.

#running #hvmn #ketoneiq #fuelingfast


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