キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月6日 13時58分

Day 6 #LetsGETFlexyIn2015 is Prasarita Padottanasana C. Can you spot the cow in the video? It's in the screenshot image. This wide legged forward bend pose from the Ashtanga Yoga standing series release the shoulders and depends hip flexion. There are two variations, the first one is easier and draws the shoulder-blades slightly towards eachother. The second is harder and draws the shoulder blades away from eachother in a deep internal rotation.  Don’t force or pull your hands to the ground. Be patient and let gravity do the work. Check @beachyogagirl for an easier option  Outfit by @ALO Yoga Check their account for weekly winners!! Video filmed by @ifilmyoga in Mysore at Chamundi Hill


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