ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月16日 05時24分

Villagers looked on as a helicopter with relief supplies prepared to take off on April 30 in Charikot, #Nepal. When @danielberehulak flew into Kathmandu four days after a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck in April, at first he thought that the damage wasn’t as catastrophic as he had expected. But as he worked, the reality of what had happened gradually emerged into focus: The worst damage was in towns and villages that were nearly inaccessible. Often @danielberehulak set out to shoot with no idea what he would find. “I am not necessarily drawn to an aesthetic scene, I am drawn by the people,” he told our photo blog, Lens, in an interview about his experience. “More times than not, some of the situations we’ve come upon are purely by chance, purely by physically being there. When it does happen, and you do see it, you know where you need to be.”


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