ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月18日 22時26分

What if you built a commune, and no one came? That’s just what happened to Zephram de Colebi, left, and Johannes Zinzendorf, who were photographed by @cgregoryphoto. Inspired by a group of 18th-century Moravian brothers who believed in the spiritual values of an agrarian life, the two men arrived in Mahantongo Valley in #Pennsylvania in the late 1980s. They dreamed of living off the land along with a band of like-minded men, sleeping in log cabins and other 18th-century structures. But their goals turned out to be more difficult than they’d imagined. Four years ago, they hooked up to the power grid. And now, they have rebranded themselves as curators of a museum and written a memoir. “It was a dream,” Zephram said, “and it was a good dream.”


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