ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月19日 07時28分

In 1942, roughly 120,000 people of Japanese descent were sent to live in camps around the United States. Bob Fuchigami was 12 when he arrived at the Amache internment camp in Colorado. For years, people who were held at Amache have made a pilgrimage back each May. This year, Bob — one of only two who could make the trek — traveled with his family. The photographer @benjaminras watched as Bob made an effort to show his daughter and granddaughter what Amache really means. He was “trying to make sure that they understand that this is a place that was living and breathing and has a really complex and a painful history,” said @benjaminras, who is also working on a personal project about @becoming_american and the history of immigration and assimilation in the U.S.


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