Camille Leblanc-Bazinetのインスタグラム(camillelbaz) - 8月2日 04時02分

That was fun!! Thanks to everyone who was part of my journey through the the past 7 years... The amount of people to whom I need to say thank you is overwhelming and I am scared to miss someone but know that if you opened your gym for me or let me train at your gym or jumped in my training or was programming for me, help me get feeling better, was there for me as a friend or simply a stranger to support me I am more then grateful... And of course all my sponsor who believe in me.. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by that many amazing people thank you from the bottom of my hearth and know that I appreciate it more then you can imagine!! @レッドブル @rehband @Reebok @remfitlife @xendurance @perfectbar @mypowerdot #2017startnow

Not retiring just saying thank you!!


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