ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月25日 13時53分

Ambiguity is Isabelle Huppert’s stock in trade. It's part of the screen arsenal she has deployed in more than 100 films during the course of a 4-decade career, and it’s central to her role in “Elle,” a French psychological thriller. Her performance, which earned her a best actress award at the @ゴールデングローブ賞 in January, drew fresh waves of attention when she was nominated for an #AcademyAward, an honor she seems to regard with a mix of anxiety and cool entitlement. When the cameras closed in on her as she claimed her Globe, writers breathlessly anatomized every facet of her look. “She has what the French used to call chien,” said Simon Doonan, the creative ambassador for @barneysnyofficial. He was alluding to the blend of tough chic and barely concealed sensuality that, he maintains, defines her allure. Still, the style world’s renewed devotion has left her nonplused. “After all,” she said, a bit disingenuously, “I’m not a fashion person.” @bradtorchia photographed #IsabelleHuppert while on #nytassignment.


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