ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月26日 00時56分

Popular ideas about the working class in the United States are woefully out of date. Forget the images of men in hard hats standing before factory gates, of men with coal-blackened faces, of men perched high above New York City on steel beams. The emerging face of the working class is a Hispanic woman who has never been on a factory floor. Instead of making things, members of the working class today are more often paid to serve people: to care for someone else’s kids or someone else’s parents; to clean another family’s home. Ofelia Bersabe, who lived in Santa Clara, California, is a home health aide. In 2008, the Bay Area electronics company where she worked for 21 years as a sample-department supervisor let her go in a mass layoff. That same year, her mother died. “When she passed away in my arms, I felt that I hadn’t given her the full attention I wanted to,” she told @nytmag. “I promised myself that I would concentrate on taking care of women, especially seniors. In that way, I feel like I’m still taking care of her.” Tap on our profile picture to see @ryanpfluger’s portraits of members of the #workingclass from this week’s @nytmag.


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