ルーディ・リンのインスタグラム(ludilin) - 8月12日 10時28分

An ancient master once said "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. ..." Indeed.

Fear exists for a good reason. It safe guards our survival. Without a good dose of fear, our ancestors would've all been made sabertooth tiger chow and we'd all be fossil poop right now.

Then, instead of dangerous predators, we somehow became our own biggest threat. Now only humans hold the power to wipe ourselves out. We are quite literally at our own disposal and seem more and more eager to dispose ourselves. Why?
Because of all those things wise Yoda said - because of fear.

Isn't it silly when you think that because we fear us killing us so we decide to kill ourselves?
One way to avoid this is to find a common enemy. If today some aliens descended and threatened to wipe us out, we would have peace on Earth and take our angst to space instead. Barring destruction from above, how can we get a shot at surviving as a species? Can we have a space race without an arms race? Can we pursue exploration without exploitation? At the moment, we're are less than a speck in this universe but we have the potential to grow and become more significant rather than disappear as a blip on the cosmic radar, a twitch, a glitch, a tiny hiccup.

What it takes is for us to awaken as a species, billions of individuals to decide together that fear is ancient programming, it's time for an update.


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