For the last twenty years I have made the choice to practice six days a week. I practiced when I was feeling great, and also when I was feeling awful, or sick, healthy, strong, weak, injured, happy, sad, angry, anxious, bored, and everything in between. But practice, I have done consistently, without break. Some people call me disciplined, devoted and determined. But I consider it an act of kindness that I choose the practice. _ I’m a nicer person when I practice, both to myself and others. I think kinder thoughts, say kinder things and engage in kinder acts. Somewhere in every practice is a door that leads to peace. It’s magical, sacred and holy. My practice is a space of listening and worship, and, even on the days it’s difficult, there is an element of transcendence, a kind of movement beyond the physical into the realm of spirit. I leave every practice changed, just a little bit. To me, this isn’t discipline, but more like a ritual of love. _ Until you see that choosing the practice is an act of kindness you’ll always rebel against the monotony of it. Unless you see how the art of yoga is an act of compassion towards yourself you’ll feel like it’s just another dogma to force yourself into. _ The practice is where I go to drink from the source, a deep inexhaustible source of the purest energy. Of course, I want to return to that altar every chance I get. Wouldn’t you? _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? @alladalewildernessreserve

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月14日 05時11分

For the last twenty years I have made the choice to practice six days a week. I practiced when I was feeling great, and also when I was feeling awful, or sick, healthy, strong, weak, injured, happy, sad, angry, anxious, bored, and everything in between. But practice, I have done consistently, without break. Some people call me disciplined, devoted and determined. But I consider it an act of kindness that I choose the practice.
I’m a nicer person when I practice, both to myself and others. I think kinder thoughts, say kinder things and engage in kinder acts. Somewhere in every practice is a door that leads to peace. It’s magical, sacred and holy. My practice is a space of listening and worship, and, even on the days it’s difficult, there is an element of transcendence, a kind of movement beyond the physical into the realm of spirit. I leave every practice changed, just a little bit. To me, this isn’t discipline, but more like a ritual of love.
Until you see that choosing the practice is an act of kindness you’ll always rebel against the monotony of it. Unless you see how the art of yoga is an act of compassion towards yourself you’ll feel like it’s just another dogma to force yourself into.
The practice is where I go to drink from the source, a deep inexhaustible source of the purest energy. Of course, I want to return to that altar every chance I get. Wouldn’t you?
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?


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