Love this man so much ? _ We met in India just over fifteen years ago! I was letting my hair grow out after shaving it off. It was just at that annoying length where you can do nothing with it. I was on a no-make up, all organic cotton, pure raw food vegan kick (I’m still vegan but I am back on the make-up train, and there are SO many awesome plant-based make-up brands these days!). I had also taken out my piercings and given away most of my possessions, including an expensive dining room set that my parents gave me (they were beside themselves when I told them I left it on the streets of NYC). I wanted freedom. I wanted to be reborn and shed my old skin. It might seem radical but I was ready for a major life change. What’s ironic is that the one thing I wasn’t looking for was a relationship. _ Tim and I were on the same flight and as he walked out of the baggage claim area, I walked in. My first words to him were, “Hey, are you doing that yoga thing?”. He said yes. So I asked if he wanted to share a taxi and he said yes to that too. But I told him that I had to collect my luggage. In an act of heroism that he would repeat many times over, he lifted my (heavy) bag off the belt and we were on our way. _ It was in the car ride where we sat next to each other in the car that I felt an attraction brewing. I remember telling myself to calm down, that he was the first boy I met in India and I could not just throw myself into his arms. So I decided to stare out the window intensively. Lot of good that did. I ended up throwing myself into arms anyway and I’m so glad I did. _ Here we are all these years later and Tim is still lifting my suitcases. And sorry babe, but they haven’t gotten any lighter. Love you forever ? _ Between my Mom, Tim and me we have so many suitcases on this trip that people asked us if we were moving to Scotland on the train in to Edinburgh. Lol. We need help... and a miracle to avoid overweight charges on the way home ?

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月15日 21時34分

Love this man so much ?
We met in India just over fifteen years ago! I was letting my hair grow out after shaving it off. It was just at that annoying length where you can do nothing with it. I was on a no-make up, all organic cotton, pure raw food vegan kick (I’m still vegan but I am back on the make-up train, and there are SO many awesome plant-based make-up brands these days!). I had also taken out my piercings and given away most of my possessions, including an expensive dining room set that my parents gave me (they were beside themselves when I told them I left it on the streets of NYC). I wanted freedom. I wanted to be reborn and shed my old skin. It might seem radical but I was ready for a major life change. What’s ironic is that the one thing I wasn’t looking for was a relationship.
Tim and I were on the same flight and as he walked out of the baggage claim area, I walked in. My first words to him were, “Hey, are you doing that yoga thing?”. He said yes. So I asked if he wanted to share a taxi and he said yes to that too. But I told him that I had to collect my luggage. In an act of heroism that he would repeat many times over, he lifted my (heavy) bag off the belt and we were on our way.
It was in the car ride where we sat next to each other in the car that I felt an attraction brewing. I remember telling myself to calm down, that he was the first boy I met in India and I could not just throw myself into his arms. So I decided to stare out the window intensively. Lot of good that did. I ended up throwing myself into arms anyway and I’m so glad I did.
Here we are all these years later and Tim is still lifting my suitcases. And sorry babe, but they haven’t gotten any lighter. Love you forever ?
Between my Mom, Tim and me we have so many suitcases on this trip that people asked us if we were moving to Scotland on the train in to Edinburgh. Lol. We need help... and a miracle to avoid overweight charges on the way home ?

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