キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 9月29日 06時55分

I have faith, such deep faith that it carries me through the darkest times and breathes meaning to my pain. It is faith that has been tested through many trials, disappointments, failures, losses, betrayals and broken hearts. There were times that I walked through thick clouds of irresolution, a fog so dense that I could hardly think. In those times it was my faith that kept me from losing my way. I have stumbled and I have fallen, but never so far that faith could reach in and pick me up. And here I am, imperfect, still standing, filled with a relentless love for myself and my world, a stubborn refusal to take the callous insensitivity of the world to heart. Everything always works out in the end, it really does. If you can’t see it, it’s about taking the longer view. Anger, sadness, anxiety, ups and downs, this all still happens event with deep faith. Sometimes I feel like we as a society assume that if we have faith or if we think positively enough we will never face adversity again. In my experience that just isn’t true. It’s the difficulty that presses the lump of coal to become a diamond and we need the same stresses to shine.
Come practice with me this weekend @pureyoganyc Just a few spots left. And in two weeks I’ll be in Chicago!
#nyc #newyorkcity
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime
Photo @yoandyvidal @thedominicknyc behind the scenes filming for @omstarsofficial today ?


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