Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 7月29日 23時29分

My biggest fear about Mazzy coming home was that all those weeks without technology would make her more addicted than ever. But I think the opposite has happened. It seems like she realized how much more fun life is when you aren’t zoning out on your iPad. I asked her if she missed technology and she said, “No, I was having too much fun to miss it.” When I told her, I wanted to be better about restricting her screen time, she did not argue. She seemed to inherently understand the benefit. I thought jumping on the iPad would be the first thing she wanted to do when she got home, but it wasn’t. She wanted to snuggle with me and pretend play with her little sister. When she finally logged on later that night, it was to tell her friends that she was home and set up communication with her new camp friends. I told her she had 20 minutes to do it and when her time was up, she put it away without a fuss. There were no requests to play Minecraft or watch YouTube. Then yesterday, we had guests over and I realized that Mazzy had disappeared in the bathroom for awhile. I knocked on the door to see if she was alright and she reacted a little suspiciously. I thought, here we go, she’s hiding in the bathroom with her iPad. But when she opened the door, I saw that she had been sitting on the bathroom counter playing with her LEGO people. She’d brought a whole village in there. I’m not sure if she was being secretive because she wanted to play alone or because she thought she was doing something babyish, but the sight of my big kid sneaking off to play with her LEGO & Friends was the happiest sight ever.


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