Zanna Van Dijkのインスタグラム(zannavandijk) - 2月21日 22時33分

Don’t be afraid to change your life plan 💁🏼‍♀️
I had one. I figured I would live in London for a minimum of 10 years, until my mid thirties. I thought I was too young to return to country life. Too young to turn my back on the city. To move away from my friends. To live further from business opportunities. But COVID shook everything up, leading to us changing our plans. We took the leap and moved to Surrey, with a niggling fear in the back of our minds that maybe it was too soon. But since day one of being here we have loved every single second. It has turned out to be the best decision we could have made. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt in the past year it’s screw the life plan, go with your gut ♥️ #surreylife #surreyliving #surreyhills


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