ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月8日 22時04分

Grim reminders of some of Hong Kong’s most gruesome murders line Bowen Road. Every few hundreds steps, signs warn, “Beware of Dog Poisoning.” Since 2003, @spcahk has recorded 66 cases of suspected dog poisoning there and nearby, and 14 of those dogs have died. Pet dogs have been poisoned all over #HongKong, but Bowen Road’s central location — on a hillside lined with parks, shrines and elegant mansions that offers sweeping views of the city’s skyline — has meant that the cases there have attracted the most attention. Warnings and greater surveillance seem to have helped reduce the frequency of the poisonings, but they haven’t stopped: Another dog died on Bowen Road in mid-May. The photographer @lamyikfei photographed this dog in the Bowen Road area.


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