Nicole Mejiaのインスタグラム(nicole_mejia) - 6月25日 06時07分

If you don’t connect with nature, are you really connected to yourself?
When you look at a tree, standing proud and tall, don’t you see a reflection of your own strength?

When you stand on the ocean shore, full of wonder and respect for what lurks beneath, does it remind you of your own vast and unexplored internal world?

When you witness the changing colors of fall, or the budding greens of first Spring, do they give you solace in whatever season of life you’re in?

And as you stand in an ancient mountain forest, with a rambunctious river rushing by, do you trust that no matter life’s ebb and flow, you can always find a safe and stable home within yourself?
There’s this presence I get when I am in nature that’s difficult to describe, but I’ll try.

It’s trust and peace.

A feeling of being completely grounded in my body yet equally expansive and connected to what surrounds me.

I’m able to use my mind and thinking as tools, rather than being subject to an onslaught of random, worried, or unorganized thoughts.

It can ignite some deep thinking and require honest self-conversation, but it eventually provides clarity.

It’s seeing the hard truths.

There’s enough room for whatever I’m feeling, and for whatever reason.

I can bear my heart and soul.

There’s awe and appreciation for all that surrounds me.

There’s trust and knowing that I can rely on what’s inside me.

There’s P A U S E.
I find that worry, sadness, and stagnation come when I’m inside, in isolation, and in my head.

All of my breakthroughs and downloads happen in movement—usually walking, and sometimes, in conversations with a few select individuals.
(🙏🏼grateful for you.) And those vulnerable moments of true self-acceptance tend to happen when I’m most connected with nature, and thus, most connected to myself.
🧘🏻‍♀️⛰🌊🌳🌸🏜 Do you feel lost and out of touch with yourself?

Go outside and sit under a tree.
Drive a road through an open field.
Stop and smell the Spring flowers, the sweet mountain air, the salty shore.


If you can’t connect with the natural world, are you failing to see that you are also it?

Go outside and meet yourself.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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