テイストメイドのインスタグラム(tastemade_japan) - 7月8日 12時00分

【にゅ〜〜〜!!】たっぷりタルタルチキン南蛮🐔Japanese Chicken Nanban with Tartar Sauce(Eng sub below)

今日は #チキン南蛮の日 ❤️

レモン 1個
卵 5個
お湯 適量
マヨネーズ 大さじ3
ピクルス 2個
玉ねぎ 1/2個
コショウ 少々
塩 少々
レモン汁 大さじ1
鶏肉 1枚
塩 少々
コショウ 少々
水溶き天ぷら粉 適量
揚げ油 適量
醤油 大さじ1
酢 80ml
昆布出汁 100ml
砂糖 大さじ2
唐辛子 適量


1. 茹で湯に卵とレモンを入れ茹でる(12分)
2. 氷水に出し、殻を剥く
3. まな板に並べ、網で一気に潰す
4. ボウルに他の材料を全て混ぜる(タルタルソース)
5. 鶏肉に塩、コショウで下味つける
6. 水溶き天ぷら粉をつけ、揚げる
7. 南蛮酢に漬け、食べやすい大きさに切る
8. タルタルソースをかける

Experience the exquisite flavors of our Japanese Chicken Nanban with Tartar Sauce! 🍗🍋

1 Lemon
5 Eggs
Hot water, as needed
3 tablespoons Mayonnaise
2 Pickles
1/2 Onion
A pinch of Black Pepper
A pinch of Salt
1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
1 Chicken Breast
A pinch of Salt
A pinch of Black Pepper
Tempura Batter (dissolved in water), as needed
Frying oil, as needed
《Nanban Vinegar》
1 tablespoon Soy Sauce
80ml Vinegar
100ml Kombu Dashi (kelp stock)
2 tablespoons Sugar
Red Chili Pepper, as needed

1. Boil the eggs and lemon in hot water for 12 minutes.
2. Transfer them to ice water and peel the eggs.
3. Place them on a cutting board and crush them using a wire rack.
4. In a bowl, mix all the remaining ingredients to make the tartar sauce.
5. Season the chicken breast with salt and black pepper.
6. Coat the chicken with the dissolved tempura batter and deep-fry until golden brown.
7. Soak the fried chicken in the Nanban Vinegar sauce and cut into bite-sized pieces.
8. Serve the chicken with tartar sauce drizzled on top. Enjoy!

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