キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 2月9日 09時45分

Be flexible in body and mind. For some people bending the body is the easy part while their minds are stiff and rigid. Other people have a happy go-lucky attitude inside of tight body. You might not believe it but I've been both tight in the body and stiff in my mind. I used to be a big planner and exert massive effort in the futile attempt to control all the aspects of life from food to my environment to other people. And don't think the first time I did yoga I was flexible--I couldn't touch my toes at my first yoga class!! The more I practice the more I realize that the practice is about letting go of attachments and expectations while trusting the higher power that guides my life. Being flexible means being adaptable, being open and vulnerable open moment while being strong and setting boundaries the next. But it's only possible through complete surrender. Surrender yourself and all that think you know so that you can be open to receive a divine and transcendent wisdom. The deepest truth, the highest knowledge comes from God. It is humility to surrender into the recondition that we don't know it all, nor can or should we. Stretch your mind, open your heart, let light seep in through the cracks. #practiceyogachangeyourworld #OneBreathAtATime #beflexible Wearing: @ALO Yoga Yoga mat: @liforme


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