キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 10月24日 23時39分

The only detox you need happens in your mind,
Thoughts dissolve like sandcastles in the waves,
Nothing remains,
And that’s a good thing.
The emptiness itself
is full, rich, resplendent,
the silent promise
Of a blank canvas,
A second, third, fourth, fifth chance,
As long as it takes,
Infinite patience,
A moment so fresh you can almost taste its birth,
Feel its fertility,
See its trajectory,
This one wrinkle in time holding the keys to eternity,
A grain of sand,
In your hand,
Sliding through clouds,
Hinting at ineffable truths,
The beating oneness of the universe,
And yes,
A path, not a new one, but the oldest one,
Pieces of stars fallen on your footsteps,
a map of the soul
beckoning you back to the quest,
You can sense it, but not see it, like the remnants of a moonbeam,
And your bones know it’s all about to start,
building with rollercoaster inertia
but, in the knowingness,
You stand,
at the edge of the world
and just
breathe it all in.
#poetry #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?


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